Thursday, May 19, 2011

What's your motivation?

I'm a little low on that.  I haven't been writing the blog, or anything!  It's just one of those things.  Maybe it's because the RAPTURE is upon us... no, just kidding.  It's been a really dreary week.  The east coast is getting so much rain, it's depressing.  This is a very unusual weather pattern for us, and I think it's finally gotten into my head.  Normally I think I do ok around dreary days, but not this week.

Sorry, I got nothing for you right now.. Maybe tomorrow.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

To all you wonderful mom's and mom's to be out there... Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

DONOR'S CHOOSE!! My students need your help!

My grant idea was accepted!  Make a donation!  Spread the word! Or come up with your own idea for your students!  I'm so excited.  Things are taking shape.  Gotta get my art-yoga curriculum in gear!!!

Here's the link to my grant.

Happy Days!!!

Monday, May 02, 2011


A while ago I heard about the organization called "Donor's Choose", but I never sat down and wrote a mini grant for my art classes.  I guess I didn't give it a second thought because of  time (there's never enough) and choosing a project.  But I finally did.  I decided to do a write up for the art/yoga idea.  I may not be able to change my curriculum and include the techniques in my classroom, but my principal and his boss both said that it would be a valuable enrichment piece.  So, I bit the bullet.  If I get this grant, all I'll be able to launch a pilot enrichment program WAY ahead of schedule!  I'm so excited.

This is a step in the right direction, and I realize I'm going to be making a hefty donation of TIME, but if I want the project to become more than just that...well... I need to move forward.  I finally realized that I need to stop waiting for the opportunity to come my way, but instead make it happen for myself.  If I'm telling my students to reach for the stars, why aren't I?  What example would I be if I just stopped and stayed exactly the same? Did exactly the same thing?

That wouldn't make me a very good teacher.

Hopefully the bid for donations will be up by next week.  Hopefully I'll be spending the next few weeks figuring out the curriculum  I'm sure to get a boost when I attend a yoga workshop in a couple of weeks. This is exciting!  Keep your fingers crossed!

So for now-- I'm calling this project "Creative Connection".  It'll probably see some name changes if I see a similar program with the same name, but for now...... this is what I'll call the enrichment project.