Thursday, November 02, 2006

Time marches on

I can't believe it's alrady November. We've been so lucky to have nice fall weather so far, but I fear it's all about to change. It's been blue sky and sunny this past week, we even got to eat lunch outside. I like that!

Halloween came and went without really making a sound. Saturday I went to a party with my friends and it was ok. People weren't really doing much. Just kind of standing around and talking. There definitely seemed to be split between two groups. I was just invited to go. I only new the people I went with. I went with Katie and Shannon. We al decided to go as bank robbers, last minute. We made an enterance and everyone just stared. HOW STRANGE? I thought we looked pretty good. Especially for putting it all together just a couple hours before the party. Oh well, some people just don't really care. At least I looked more like a girl this year and less like Napoleon...hahahaha (that was a good costume though..freakin' awesome..gosh).

Tuesday I went over to my friends house. And helped pass out candy and watch kids come by with their costumes. There were a few that just squeaked by. But these two teenage boys came by and they had no costumes. I asked what they were, one said," I'm a male model" and the other said," I'm 18". Ok, whatever. Get candy while you can.

At school I decided to pass out candy and do exquisite corpses. Some of the exquisite corpses didn't really come out so good. Oh well. It's better to do with more than less kids. Perhaps we should have just done one big exquisite corpse for each class! I don't know.

Now it's Thursday! The week goes fast. Closer to my move date. I can't wait! Just about 4 more weeks to go. And I won't really be there this weekend, and then soon it will be THanksgiving, and then I move!

Thinking about getting a tree this year too. I'm usually against those things, I'd rather get a tree that can be planted etc... But I think this year I'm going to get a cut one. I'm looking forward to it.

Looking into culinary schools.... watch out! I may be a pastry chef yet!

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