Wednesday, February 07, 2007

snowy, cold, and crazy drivers

It was really nice to go into school later today, and have only 2 classes to teach. But, getting there was not easy. I thought that most of the roads would be easier to navigate and I'd be able to make it to work with out any driving hardships. I was wrong. People were driving crazy! Cutting each other off, changing lanes at a moment's notice, stopping abruptly and speeding up. I even saw a big school bus just go through a light. Fortunately there were no students in the bus, but still. ....... calm down people!

The roads really weren't that bad when it was time to drive to school, but the drivers were.

Anyway, the snow has melted and gone away. There are only traces left in the shade. A little sad that it went away so fast, but good because then it doesn't look so grey and miserable. Like the slush.. I hate slushy streets.

Bring on spring... I want tulips!

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