Thursday, August 30, 2007

Unofficially the last weekend of summer

Well, what do you know? Another summer has come and gone. And really, they just go faster and faster. I really wish it would be fall that would last a little longer. But maybe if it did, I wouldn't appreciate it as much. But the colors of the leaves are what I look forward to most of all. And the fact that I don't need any air conditioner to make those load sounds in my ears as I try to dream.

School officially starts for me on Tuesday. I have been back for weeks now, but not doing too much. Today I think I might of attended what were much like infomercials. Buy this art curriculum, buy that art curriculum..... I even got to make a cheesy knock off of a greek vessel. Is this what tourist shops order?

ARGH-- There's gotta be a way to use my time better. How about completing a painting? Give me salary to work on my own art. Oh well. What can I say.

I can't believe it's almost 2008. I can't believe I"m almost 32. I can't believe I think I'm starting to really like where I work.

There have been a lot of epiphanies lately. Some of you may know the other ones.... so it's been a good summer. For once I think I'm willing to make a home out of the place where I live. For once I'm realizing how lucky I am to be where I'm at. Not that I've never felt that before, it's just that I've not felt this way in a long time.

So here's to fall. Bring it on, I'm ready for what you have in store for me. BRING IT!

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