Monday, December 21, 2009

Snow days!

How nice for the City of Alexandria to give me two extra days off after my wedding. Just kidding, we did end up getting a lot of snow, which NOVA cannot handle. Many parts of our neighborhood haven't even been plowed. Major roads are really drivable, but the neighborhoods need a little more thawing out.

While it's nice to have these additional days off next to our holiday, we will have to make them up. Which begs the question-- why didn't they just give these two days to us in the first place when they were planning the school year? Oh well, I'll take them. I think this only means we lose a few built in teacher days, big deal.

So being snowbound has been a lot of fun. Got a lot of relaxing done. And hanging out with the new husband isn't so bad either. We made it out and about yesterday, we went and got a glass of wine with a friend who wanted to congratulate us. She was stuck over in apartment-- so she definitely wanted to get out.

Today is full of baking. I made shortbread, and I'm about to make some chocolate cookies... YUM! We have a lot of driving this holiday to do, and when we go from place to place I plan on bringing cookies.

What a great way to start the winter break!!!

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