Sunday, July 24, 2011


Let's all do the dance of JOY!! Creative Connection, the art and yoga program I'm getting off the ground is funded for yoga mats, blocks, straps, and a few art supplies.  This is just what I needed to keep the momentum going.  It has been a busy summer. I've been completely immersed in the planning of this program and I'm so happy we'll have some awesome supplies to see it through!!  What a great relief.

So now I have a grant under my belt, I'm actually going try and fund myself.  It would be nice to get paid for all this planning and implementing, wouldn't it?  Well, that's step 2 and definitely high on the priority list.

But for now a big hug, thanks, and tons of gratitude to all the people who funded this pilot program.  I hope to make it grow and spread!!!

Om - Shanti - Namaste
Everything - Peace - I honor the divine spark that is within you, which is also within me

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