Thursday, September 14, 2006

A new start

Since I have a hard time updating the other blog, I'm switching again. This will make it easier for me to write. I only have internet at school, and I can get on this website.
There's a lot going on, but at the same time there is not. I am enjoying my job, my life, it seems like it's on track lately.

I feel very free to do what I want (except cook a lot, which won't change until I get up the gumption to move...I'm just to lazy right now).

So, things I'm looking forward to:
The wine festival
Hiking weekly
Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins ( I can go to shows now!)

School is fine. We have only about 42 students right now, but I have a unit with girls, and one of them is just pushing my buttons. And it doesn't help that the female d-home staff isn't that great....Don't get me started. I do like working with this population, it's secure and makes me feel a little claustrophobic sometimes, but it will work for now. If I could save enough money to buy a place here, I would...But I don't think that's going to happen. Getting coaxed to move to Kansass City from my great friends, but I don't know. I don't think I would make a great mid-westerner.

On another note.... a lemur will be leading that stupid rockstar band. Oh well. I got sucked in and denied. Oh well. Time to get engrossed into other "reality" type shows...right? Let's hope not. I would like to stay off my couch for now. Except to watch LOST!!

Ok, I better run and see who I can actually send this out to.. sorry for the change in this. I don't think I can post pictures here either, but that's ok. I don't think I'll be doing much picture taking in the near future......


Kate said...

I didn't mean to write Kansass, it just slipped out....

slinky said...

no, you spelled it right. :)

you should be able to post pictures, too.