Monday, September 18, 2006

Weekends go too fast

One good thing about this Monday is that I no longer have to set up my classroom. Yes I'm art on the cart, but they put new cafeteria like tables in all the lounges. So no unstacking tables and no lifting chairs. It was getting really old really fast. I thought to myself, if I were older, out of shape, and unhappy with my job I wouldn't care, and I wouldn't set up the tables... So now I don't have to think about that. Not that I think I'm going to stay here until I'm 60, but one never knows. I can't really imagine staying any place longer than a 2 year span. :-)

Caught up on massive quantities of Lost. For those of you who are going to be watching the second season abroad this year, I will not spoil.. But I will say this, it's good. It's so good, it makes me want to watch it over and over again. I can't wait for Season 3... I have dreams about it all. I really do. I have about 3 more episodes to finish!

Doing something great by being art penpals with my friend Ellen. We start a piece of art and then send it to each other to have the other one finish it. Then I guess we send it back once it's finished and do it again. I send mine out today. I really have no idea what I'm doing, but at least it's something... And that's good.

Can't believe that my housemate asked me if I had anything in the fridge that was old and smelly... Sister, please.... Why no, as a matter of fact, because nothing in there is mine. Whatever...... I keep telling myself it's all for the greater good. But I don't know... We'll see if I make it through.

Last week I had a strange hiking experience. This old man asked me what time it was and then all of a sudden he had me locked into some kind of storytelling session. Which wasn't good because I didn't know how to get out of it. And then he kept coming closer and closer. And then finally these people passed by and I told him I had to go catch up with them. Maybe I should rethink the whole hiking alone thing. I probably won't though. I'll just try to go with friends.....

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