Thursday, May 01, 2008

May day may day may day

No, I'm not going down in flames, however it feels like work is going straight into the can. We've had to make many changes in our environment. And it doesn't quite make me feel safe to work here. Since our students have changed we've definitely acquired some very , let's say, unsavory students. Including ones who were trying to get a riot going last week (rumor has it, it didn't happen because certain kids didn't want certain adults to get hurt). Well, the staff got wind of this "riot" and it never happened. All the kids were locked individually in their rooms, and we were left for 3 hours discussing the behavior of certain kids.

Basically they were looking for kids who are a threat to themselves, or other people. Violent types that might instigate something. People managed to come up with a list of 12 kids, and they are all in their room for whatever reason. The rest of the kids are all on restricted movement, which means they aren't allowed to come to the classrooms. We have to go to each individual unit and teach.

This is a hard task to perform because essentially we are teaching in their common room, that's where they play cards, watch tv...all of that. So it's pretty hard to make the switch. They really act a lot differently when they're not in a "school setting". And of course this is a burden on all of us, especially me. I have to essentially be art on a cart. I have to end class a little bit earlier just so I can pack up my supplies and take them with me to the next unit. Yesterday was the most difficult because I had organize what to bring, and I forgot a few of the students works, I didn't have enough paper, and I couldn't use the computer for kids to get resources.

It's not a great idea. I know they're thinking of safety first. And that is very important in this case, however, those kids are already separated and locked down in their rooms individually. The kids in my class, are still the same. You know? I have kids I can trust, who will work hard and do their best no matter what, and then I have the students who are demanding, take my energy and I have to spend time with them.. But that is like any classroom. Am I threatened by them? No.

Ahh, too much going on. I did manage to finally treat myself to a hair trim yesterday. I was beginning to feel very much like a really bad picture of Axl Rose (not totally, my hair is pretty healthy). I felt unkempt. She did a nice job. I explained to her that I was trying to grow my hair out to donate it...I didn't get into the politics. She loved my idea, and said that I would be the perfect candidate because my hair was thick, healthy, and wavy... HA! How did she know I really needed the compliment?

It's been a rough week. Not feeling quite like my usual self and I have a lot of built up anxiety about this job....

HOWEVER--------- J and I planned a trip. We got a really good flight and hotel package deal to..............................wait for it....................... the BAHAMAS!! Yay! So in about 3 weeks I will be sitting, staring at the turquoise water, drinking some beautiful rum drink..... I can't wait. WE need it bad.. I guess that's where my tax refund is going.....

Anyway, on to preparing for class. Kids are doing ok on this round of project. We're using nature as an inspiration to make patterns in art. We're going to look at my favorite artist.....Andy Goldsworthy today.

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