Monday, February 12, 2007

Would you?

Would you pay to see "The Police" in concert?

And I know how some of you feel about Sting... but give the band a break.

I would go see them. I was too young the first time. If they're going to pass through here, I want to go.. WHO'S WITH ME?

In other news................

I think it's really funny that commuters in the area had to walk through a bit of trash to get to work today. Somehow a garbage truck turned over or something and all the trash fell down some stairs to a metro or something.... There were comments like," It smells bad" and "It's too early to walk through trash". WHAT? Go live in Cairo, where the smell of rotten food, and dead animal remains fill the morning air everyday. Does it still smell like that on our street Jona?

I have a feeling this "winter storm" comes through, but I have a feeling it's going to miss us almost completely.

Oh well, one can hope!

1 comment:

slinky said...

i'd go see the police with you. i've always liked them. i even like some sting stuff. (thanks to you)