Friday, May 04, 2007

Some days are better than others

So it's Friday, and that's good. It's been one of those weeks. You know, I take time off and then it's like the longest week ever. The kids were wired this week. We had one large class, and I don't know why they decided to do that, but they did. It was a strange one. I made brownies (home made of course) and one kid asked me," Hey Ms., are those special brownies?" HA! I said," Of course, I made them." I didn't walk into that one.... almost... but I decided to throw them a curve.

The weather was nice today. My best friend was here and we walked to Old Town, and hung out down there. Being by the water is so nice. It was so clear you could see the Capitol clearly.

I plan on sleeping in. Then maybe a little laundry and finishing a painting. I want to get a gigantic canvas if this one turns out ok. I guess this one's about 2 feet by 3 feet, which is huge for me right now.

Ok- night night.

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