Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Saved? In more ways than one

First of all I am saved from the ants and maggots. Yes. I move to my new place in December. Can't wait to be free of that. Having my own kitchen and not having to hide in my giant room when I'm home. Did I mention I don't even want to eat in the kitchen, let alone prepare anything.

Second, I don't want to be "saved" by born-againers call it. I wanted to poke my eardrums out with a fork yesterday. I had to set up my computer in another class yesterday and the woman listened and sang-a-long with christian radio...ALL DAY. NO people, NO! Stop it!

Thirdly, I am finally getting stuff done at work. Apparently we're getting some cabinet space, so I can lock supplies up and not have to worry about who is getting thier grubby hands on my art supplies. Thank goodness. Not that it's been a huge problem, but it does happen from time to time.

Ok. We'll it is Tuesday, I get to listen to my own music today, I can dream about my new place, and my supplies are all here. It's a pretty good start.

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